Okay, I'm getting plans for the move firmed up (coming from Sweden, an American-Swedish dual citizenship, so don't need to move on the basis of relationship). I've talked with several employment firms in London specializing in the legal business, they are extremely anxious to talk to me the second I set foot on British soil, BUT I'm trying to figure out how much money to bring with me to hold me until I get a job.
I'm planning on getting one of those short-term rental places, I realize they will want a deposit, etc., and I'm figuring I'll have to be paying about 120-150 GBP per week. I'll get an underground pass, eat cheaply and from the sounds of it, I should have a good job offer or two within 4 to 6 weeks.
So what do you think, will 3,000 GBP be enough to tide me over until I get employed and get a paycheck, assuming that I am incredibly frugal, won't be going out to clubs, shopping, except for food, etc.