It's always a good start to have the right mate.
I'd thought I'd put in my two cents worth on the other side of the Atlantic. When we discussed marriage I asked my husband where he wanted to live. I have been all over the place and really did not mind one way or the other. In both places we had homes that were paid for. (His came with an eccentric father.)
My husband decided that he wanted to live here. We honestly felt that we would have a better quality of life in the USA.
So we embarked upon the hell that is US immigration, got a fiance visa and 5 1/2 months later had a civil service in Florida. Three months later we had our interview (it can take much longer) and got his green card. We are now waiting for the conditions to be removed so he can be a permanent resident and then apply for citizenship.
At the end of this story is the hard part. . . realizing we might have made the wrong choice....
Here in the USA we have a decent quality of life. We earn money and until I quit my job, both of us were working so hard we never saw each other. Now it's just him.
We have yet to take more than a long weekend for a vacation and my husband is still working 10 hour days with a two hour plus Atlanta commute. LA is similar I know.
We have begun to realize that there is more to what we want in life than money and work.
My husband is happy just being with me, though the transition to life in the USA was just as awful and hard as it could be. He hated it. He hated the traffic, the long hours, the lack of anything real in suburbia, hated not palying cricket and soccer, hated not being with his family, hated not having the moors near, hated not knowing anything, hated feeling like a 34 year old baby that depended on his wife to help him with things he had always been able to do.
Point is no matter where you are or where you decide to go one spouse will always go through loss. It is hard to move and leave everything you have known.
Either way there is no perfect answer. You just have to take the leap and try. Go with your gut. Give it a good shot and if it does not work out you can move again.
It's like moving anywhere. There are always things you miss and things you could do without.
Good Luck whatever you do.