I'm looking to apply for an HSMP visa at the end of this year or early next. Assuming it's granted and I arrive in 2007, as the (new) rules currently stand, if I'm understanding correctly,I would need to have resided 5 years before I could get IRL. That would mean after the initial visa period of 12 months, applying for FLR for three (?) years and then a further :-) FLR to cover the next year? Or have the FLR periods changed too?
And (just to complicate things :-) if I were minded to apply for citizenship, that would mean *another* year at ILR before I could apply, right?
So, as a time line it would look like
2007, arrive in UK
2008, (assuming employment &c.) apply for FLR
2011, apply for FLR again
2012, apply for ILR
2013, apply for citizenship.
Sound right, or have I missed important elements?