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Topic: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?  (Read 10731 times)

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2006, 10:00:16 AM »
We got a Costco membership, but my husband hates going there for the reasons that Mindy outlined.  He drives and I don't.  We never go. :(
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2006, 10:04:01 AM »
We got a Costco membership, but my husband hates going there for the reasons that Mindy outlined.  He drives and I don't.  We never go. :(

We got about once a quarter - but ALWAYS on a weekday.  Not worth it at weekends. 

And it's for specific items - Oil of Olay Regenerist serum is the cheapest I've ever seen it there. 

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2006, 10:11:46 AM »
Yeah, I think he's also afraid I'll come home with enough toilet rolls to last until the next millenium -- which we don't have room for.

My favorite Seinfeld episode featured Kramer coming home from a trip to Costco -- with an enormous can of tuna, toilet paper, and the big cans of 'Beef-a-rini' that he ends up feeding to the Central Park carriage horses... :D  Does anyone else remember that?
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #33 on: April 06, 2006, 10:58:45 AM »
Does anyone know how much the membership is in the UK? I looked at the website and didn't see it. Also, can anyone get a membership? I know in the US you used to have to either own a business or belong to a company that had a membership but it's not like that anymore.

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2006, 11:04:30 AM »
I want to say the membership is around 20 quid - I think (there may some variance depending on if it's a charity or corporate-associated membership, etc).  It seems you have to have some relationship -- I mean we got it because of where DH works (list of companies they have for associate memberships or some such).  Does anyone else know more specifically?
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #35 on: April 06, 2006, 11:07:37 AM »
it was £25.  You have to be affiliated with an educational institution, government and a few others.  We were able to join long ago when DH was a grad student as his paycheck came from the University. Here,  I just brought my id from work, which says University by I don't really work at the University.  It was enough.
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #36 on: April 06, 2006, 11:09:49 AM »
here is the email I got back from Costco regarding membership:

Two types of membership - TRADE and INDIVIDUAL

Trade membership - owner or manager of a business, we require a Business
Utility Bill plus two other forms of business identification - VAT
Certificate or Business Cheque or Business Stationery or Business Insurance
Certificate, etc.  The annual cost is £20 plus VAT.  The first six
additional cards cost £12 plus VAT each and all subsequent cards cost £20
plus VAT each.

Individual membership - valid to certain employment groups - details listed
below  You will need to bring proof of your employment or professional
qualification with a current home utility bill.  The Annual cost is £25
plus VAT for a membership card for you plus one for your spouse/partner.
An additional card can be purchase at a cost of £12 plus VAT.

If you think you may be an employee of a UK or US Gold Card company you can
call central membership to check - on 01923 830477.  This number is
operated 8.30 am till 6pm Monday to Friday, not weekends.

 Individual membership is available to the following:-

Current or retired employee of: -
Civil Servant
Local Government
Medical/Health Service
Police Force
Post Office/Royal Mail

Qualified as:
Chartered Architect
Chartered/Civil Engineer
Chartered Surveyor
Qualified/Certified/Chartered Accountant

Current or retired employee of USA or UK Gold Card company please contact
either central membership or your local warehouse to confirm whether the
company you work for is a registered gold card company.

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2006, 11:13:11 AM »
Individual membership - valid to certain employment groups...

Costco maintains a list of companies for this too.  You will be able to get a membership, jennredd. ;)
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #38 on: April 06, 2006, 11:41:58 AM »
Thanks. My FIL owns some businesses so I'm sure he can help us get a membership. My husband thinks he might already have one anyway. :)

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2006, 12:28:23 PM »
YEAH! Honeywell is listed & my DH works there! We are goin shopping...I am soooo happy! ;D
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2006, 12:39:14 PM »
Ok we've been here for 2 yrs and used our US Costco membership card the whole time, it hasn't expired, although it should have and we joke everytime we go that we're gonna get busted! Costco is 10 mins from my house so for us it's very convienent and we go once a month. Usual purchases are

Aberdeen Angus Scottish Beef Ribeye Steaks. Scottish beef is the best!!
Ground beef.
Bag of Large Shrimp
Bag of Large Salad
Kirkland Starbucks coffee beans
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper (not every month mind ;))
They do a rocket shrimp salad that I love

and whatever else catches our eye while we're there. Of course we finish off with a slice of proper American costco pizza and free soda refills. Yeah Costco is a day out at our house, sad but true  :)

They also do Pace Picate sauce in med if you like that.


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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2006, 01:01:35 PM »
Yeah Costco is a day out at our house, sad but true  :)
For us too.  And always the essential hot dog..

Peanut butter
big bag of shrimp
Olay facial wipes for DD

are always on the list.  Of course it always expands..
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2006, 08:43:01 PM »
Another good thing that we buy alot from Costco is books.  They have a nice selection like the ones in the US have for adults as well as children. And the price is so much lower than the bookstores.  I got the Millers Antique price guide for 10.99 and it lists for 24.99.   Also good place for dvd's and cd's.  And they also have jelly belly's - they are in the Kirklands brand name container but they are the real thing!  They also have seasonal clothing which can be hit or miss.  I can find my birkenstocks here for a great price too. Apple juice by the case for @ 30p a liter.   And another thing we use Costco for is film developing.  It is between 5-7 pence a pic depending on how many you have printed.  I usually get the 5 p price since I wait until the memory on my digital is filled and then have what i want printed and it's usually over 100 prints - and they happily do this in 1 hour or less.  Also good price on enlargements - 9 p for 5x7 and 99p for 8x10's.  And the clincher is they stock Ghiradelli Brownie mix!!   ;D
If you aren't sure you will really do a lot of shopping and want to check it all out, the service desk will issue you a guest pass for the day and give you a chance to look around - but can't buy anything.  The membership price equals the same as the US price and your card is good in the US.  We always get asked where we got our card from when we use it in the US since the ones here don't have the magnetic strip on them and have to be hand coded.  We were able to get membership since hubby is a NHS employee.  Not everyone can be a member, but it seems pretty liberal as to who they accept.  It's been a good deal for us and gives us a small piece of "home". 

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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2006, 09:12:52 AM »
Ive been wondering myself if its worth it, but df is not a big warehouse store fan. I dont know if once we move if the drive all the way into Bristol is something hed want to do, maybe on saturdays when visiting family, since they are on the outside of Bristol (where we are now).

But I have this never-ending battle with the tuna in the UK! I hate it! I end up buying the super-expensive white tuna from Sainsbury's which is, admittedly, lovely.

I wouldnt eat anything but white tuna in the US but once I came over here and tried tuna in sunflower oil I havent wanted anything else. To me the sunflower oil makes it taste really nice...I am sooo looking forward to lunch today, I can have tuna, planning to have it as a melt...mmmmm (I managed to go over my allotted preggo amount in about 2 days last week so have been sort of patiently waiting!)

You can probably find a cheap Senseo on eBay! I did!

I would love to have one of those...after everything Ive heard about them....I have a cafetiere right now but have no clue where it is.
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Re: Is it Worth Getting a Costco Membership?
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2006, 11:07:16 AM »
I wouldnt eat anything but white tuna in the US but once I came over here and tried tuna in sunflower oil I havent wanted anything else. To me the sunflower oil makes it taste really nice...I am sooo looking forward to lunch today, I can have tuna, planning to have it as a melt...mmmmm (I managed to go over my allotted preggo amount in about 2 days last week so have been sort of patiently waiting!)

It's not the oil that bothers me so much, although I do prefer my tuna in water/brine. It's actually the dark greyish-pinkness (i.e., a bit too much like catfood) of it that I can't take!

I would love to have one of those...after everything Ive heard about them....I have a cafetiere right now but have no clue where it is.

They generally run from £25 to £30 for new Senseos on eBay.
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