I was surprised to find the following on the Isle of Man Government website regarding immigration:
Q. So how do I apply?
A. Applications from foreign nationals to live on the Isle of Man should be made to the nearest British Embassy, High Commission or Consulate to wherever you normally live. The Embassy will deal with the preliminary processing of the application and send it to the Isle of Man for a decision to be made.
Q. How long does it take?
A. It varies, but applicants are advised to allow at least 6 months for applications to be dealt with. However, straightforward cases can sometimes be dealt with in a few weeks. If you are planning to apply for entry clearance you should ask the office you will be dealing with how long it is likely to take to process your application. You should tell them that you want to live in the Isle of Man.
The web address is:
http://www.gov.im/infocentre/faqs/import.gov?menuid=10167&page=cso/immigrationfaqs.xml Am planning to go to the NY office in early May to apply for my fiance visa, but this comes as quite a surprise. We'd seen the immigration office in the IOM last November, explaining our situation and she never mentioned this. If this is accurate, it's going to become a real problem for me. Any thoughts out there? Thanks.