Lord love you, Rhia! What a fantastic site! I want to work my way trying out all the recipes, starting with "Beverages". Yes, I know you are about to tell me that this is not such a good place to start, because (what with testing and tasting and suchlike) by the time I promote myself to "Bread*, Cakes & Pastries" I shall be seeing double, and the good-humoured but firm Mrs Howard will have to lead me gently by the hand away from the kitchen, hiccupping as I go; but Yuletide/Saturnalia is ordained to help us through these shortest of days. So a blessing upon your head, good Rhiannon - nay, thrice three blessings - and consider yourself to be under electronic/virtual/hyperspace mistletoe,
With your friend,
*See elsewhere for my excitement about the breadmaker Mrs H assures me Father C is going to bring me, if I remain a good boy!