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Topic: Community Notice  (Read 12952 times)

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Community Notice
« on: April 11, 2006, 10:16:45 PM »
In the past month, some threads had to be shut down due to verbal attacks, in many cases upsetting a lot of people who weren't even involved in the discussion. This forum is meant to be a place of support and community resource, yet I receive comments about how people are afraid to post or take part because of a few who attack without regard, highly judgemental to the point of rudeness about a person's actions, beliefs and choices.

Yes, it is only a website forum, and for some it is not terribly important what people say or how it's said. Great for those who aren't very sensitive and have no care to invest in cultivating friendships via this site. So are these people more important than the other members who, being in a strange country for a short time and are feeling alone and alienated, actually do need a bit of support here? Do they deserve to be harshly treated and told not to let the door hit them on the way out? ???

We're happy that so many people do settle in well, but for those that don't, please have some compassion for them, if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say, why not leave it alone instead of attacking with sarcasm. This forum may be one of the few outlets many have, at a time when things feel very dire. They might not have the experience to know that the British find a word, label or behaviour rude, feel free to point it out, but could we please do so kindly.

Aside from being poor behaviour, the personal attacks are in violation of the rules. You agree to abide by these rules when you use this site. If you don't agree, don't use it, simple as that.

The intent of this post is a notice that in the future, rude, sarcastic, catty, and nasty comments will be removed. Attacks on people for their choices or beliefs will not be tolerated. Continuing to do so after being asked not to will result in a warning or ban. We will strive to do so without bias, for everyone. Agree to disagree, and if you can't say something politely and with consideration, don't say it at all.

UKY moderators really try their hardest to allow discussion and debate to flow freely. However, we know that no matter what course we take, we cannot please everyone - but we do make our best effort to keep all happy and this forum a friendly place foremost.

See also the forum agreement, guidelines and website terms of use here:

Explanation of the Warning System here:

Additionally, if you feel that you or another member is being attacked or treated rudely or a post is upsetting to you, please help us and use the Report to Mod button, rude and distress causing posts are against the rules, we may not always sense or see how upsetting a post can be without having been in your shoes. It is entirely confidential and is not discussed with anyone outside of staff. Again if you have concerns with how moderating is carried out, please take it up with a moderator or myself privately.

Thanks for reading. :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 01:06:49 PM by Leah »

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Re: Community Notice
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 10:34:23 PM »
Also add that with varying personalities , interests and ideals there are bound to be clashes here in there about topics. For the love of grapes let it go!! whenever there's been a clash and a thread is locked or a mod steps into a heated debate it seems to manifest somewhere else. It's been said before that grudges are like elephants they never forget but really they can if you try..sheez!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 10:45:06 PM by Alicia »
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

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