Congrats Kingy! (sorry, don't know your real name!)

You must feel such a HUGE relief! So did they give you the visa that day, or have you received it via courier since your posting?
Thank you so much for all the details; it helps tremendously. So now I wll probably have to book a flight to London, pay $1000 for so little notice, and be there and back in three days. Ugh.

But it is good to know that I really should be there, and quite honestly I would have been a nervous wreck here in San Diego waiting to hear how it went!
One thing making us crazy though is the fact that we still haven't heard anything!

I've looked at everyone else's timelines and it seems like we're behind (figures...). But Laurie keeps reminding me that there was a Bank Holiday in there, so that may explain it. Yeah, right. Poor guy...I must say "Did anything come in the mail???" about a thousand times a week!
So here's where we are so far (and does anyone think we should perhaps contact them since it's been so long?):
Fri Apr 23: sent in all docs (I-130s, DS-230, etc)
Tues Apr 27: credit card debited
AND THAT'S IT! Seems like most people have gotten the NOA two weeks after sending everything. OK, I know I'm anxious, but I can't help it.

Any ideas???