Hey Jb007,
Thanks for the tips, it sounds like I should just sort it out myself instead of wasting the money. I have about six months before I can actually apply, but I will be ready with all the necessary documents. As for Dubai, well there are good parts and of course bad parts.
First the Good:
-Tax free- We pay zero taxes. when they say you make 50,000 USD you really make it.
- We are in the middle. Six hours to Europe, Seven hours to Asia.
- So easy to meet people as no one is from here.
-the summer: no one likes 125 degree weather
-the people: a lot of people are just trying to show off with money and cars. Really crazy
-Restrictions: From the alcohol to the internet. it's restrictive. We have one tax, alcohol, 30%
-Culture: Next time go to the Dubai museum. You will laugh for about 20 minutes.
Why am I leaving? 3 years, time for a change. I love England and Europe. I recommend Dubai only for a vacation, then leave. Living is tough and with the extreme rents and shady landlords. Skip it and go to Bahrain or Qatar!