I can say this is exactly what has happened to me and my partner:
From the article:
When US citizens' foreign partners are not permitted to live with them in their country, Americans are forced to uproot themselves and leave their families, their jobs, their communities and country. Often, they turn to one of the 19 countries with laws that let citizens sponsor their same-sex partners for immigration purposes.
My partner got stopped a couple years ago, coming to visit me, and they claimed he was looking for work and they sent him packing back to the UK. We tried for 3 years to come to some sort of arrangement, including looking for work, etc and they won't even give him a visitor visa now because "we think you will stay with Mr. Kelly and not leave."
He is very close to my family and so yes, we basically are going to have to sell our house in the US and live in exile in the UK. Luckily we have the skills and resources to survive in another country. We are hoping once we have a mortgage in the states that they will actually grant him a visitors visa so he can go back with me to see the family on holidays.
Being a Bi-National Gay Couple in the US STINKS. Of course everyone has helpful advice like "oh, why don't you get married in Massachusettes or get a civil partnership in Vermont." I am tired of explaining that our relationship isn't recognized on a federal level in any sense, and probablly won't be for quite a while to come.
I am totally happy and amazed with the UK civil partnership law. I mean we can feel like a real couple and have right and benefit bestowed upon two people living together. I not a huge "gay rights" fanatic who has to run around and impose my viewpoint on others, but people don't realize that all I am asking for is to live my life the way I want to and be left alone. The problem is that is impossible in the US right now.
So I think in certain cases, that is spot on though I doubt the number of bi-national UK/US couples is a huge amount statistically, though it makes a huge difference to each of us on an individual basis.