I blame Marlespo for being here. No, not for being here here. But for being here. I looked at her web site and, as any curious person would do at 6am, I clicked on her links button.
Leah, fantastic site!
I hope in the months to come I am able to elevate my status. "Newbie" just doesn't describe me and my greyness.
I will not ramble this time, as I am prone to do. I have a ton of things to do this morning, so here's me in a nutshell (more, I'm sure, will follow):
Married to Graham going on four years; been living in Wiltshire since Jan98; lived in Florida for 20 years before that. And that reported, is still only half my life. My life completely changed after moving here, and for each year it's been a complete change since. I am getting way too old for this upheaval, but I wouldn't change it for the world, either.
Connections like this have played an extremely important role in my "settling in" because I found the isolation very very difficult. Now with more confidence I really do feel a part of this country. It takes a while, but this is now home to me.