You know, that is a feasible approach (taking off the packaging)...and yet why do I feel that Customs is just getting really silly with these regulations now?
I think that instead of putting up all those "DO NOT BRING..." signs, there should be someone actually explaining the reasons. I don't think with most folks it gels. They don't link mad cow and the destruction of an entire countries' industry with just one small little stupid morsel of tainted meat. Or the emptying of almost an entire population because of a potato famine, or the introduction of, and subsequent forest demolition, to the desire to bring a pretty plant back from holiday. We're not even going to discuss rats and what they can do being stowed away on a boat. Oh, and AIDs, didn't they trace that transfer to the US back to a monkey bite? Oh heck, I'm probably mixing a movie plot with reality right now...LOL.
Please don't think I'm getting high and mighty. Heck, I bring stuff through. What can tinned cooked meat affect? Why not oyster's crap in the UK! Dried potatoes in a box can't cause any trouble, right? Beef jerky is DRIED meat, get a life!
I guess...I would just have more respect for the regs if I was told the reason. Because it does seem over the top. And I think others would do a "Holy cow, I didn't realize!" if there was more a campaign to educate, rather than declare, "because I said so".