I have a big giant plastic sun tea jug that I lugged home the last time I was over visiting. With the spigot and all. Think I got it at a 99cent store along with matching palm tree cups. On sale, even.
Yeah 7 might be much but diluting may help. Live and learn. How long do you leave it out, all day, or just a couple hours? Back in Cali we'd leave it out all day more or less.
I would love an Iced Tea maker, oh man. I think I would get more use out of that than the coffee pot. Then again it might just end up making friends with my popcorn popper in the back of the cupboard. One of those things you are glad to have when you want it but don't use all the time. Nah I'd use it.
I am at the bottom of my Nestea jar that I'd been hoarding. So I thought I'd try the green tea like the Arizona tea - used to love that - green tea with jasmine. Using the Twinnings bags.
Any difference in using plastic jugs vs glass?