Good to know! Now I'm paranoid
I didn't post to create paranoia - although in immigration, it's hard to avoid it.
Last year, a contingent of MP's visiting Lagos were *staggered* to see bank statements and bills from British Gas on sale at street markets - complete with verified NIN's and bank account details.
The same scene repeats repeats itself throughout the impoverished world: bank statements, tenancy agreements, student acceptance letters from Oxford, Durham, and Cambridge universities, letters from Thames Water, British Gas, you name it and you can buy it. In the far east, some vendors are even set up right outside the Consulate. They will fill out the forms and print off all the evidence for as little as $12.
So it pays to be careful with your NIN and bank account number.
And to clarify the acronym in my post above, AECIP = All Entry Clearance Issuing Posts = a type of telegram system the FO sends out with the intent of keeping all ECO's swinging from the same tree. I read them avidly.