Someone please look over my Fiancee's letter and my letter for my fiancee visa... he wants to know if the letters are good enough... it's edited (so that explains the ....)
- Completed and signed fiancé visa application form
- My current passport
- A passport-sized photograph of me
- 5 photographs of myself and my fiancé together
- Application fee of $.....
- Evidence of sufficient funds to support myself whilst I am in the UK
- Supporting documentation from my fiancé, Michael .....
A letter of support confirming our intentions to marry
- His current passport
- A letter confirming his full time employment
- Two recent pay-slips from his employer
- Recent Bank Statement
- Savings account Statement
- Evidence of his current residence
Re: Application for Fiance visa to marry in United Kingdom for Becky DLF
Please accept this letter as support in the application for a fiancé visa to marry in the UK for my girlfriend Becky DLF
I can confirm that I am a British Citizen by birth with a full British passport and that the proposed marriage between myself and Becky DLF is a genuine marriage of love.
Following successful granting of a visa for my fiancé, I plan to travel to the United States around the ……. and return with her to the United Kingdom around the ……. We are both aware of the marriage regulations within the UK and plan to marry in either the London borough of ………. sometime in November 2006.
Following our wedding Becky intends to remain in the UK with me. We are both aware that to do this requires further permission from the UK Home Office and as such we will seek authorisation at a later date.
Please find enclosed the following documents in support of our application
- My current British passport
- Recent bank Statement
- Recent savings account statements
- Letter from current employer
- Two recent pay-slips from employer
- Evidence of current residence
I am currently employed full time by the ……... I have provided a letter from the Human Resources of the …… and two recent pay-slips confirming my employment.
Both myself and my fiancé are fully aware of the restrictions of the fiancé visa in terms of working in the UK. As such I can confirm that I have adequate income and savings to support her. Please find enclosed a copy of my recent bank statement (please note account number has been removed for confidentiality) showing my monthly salary being paid into my current account. Please also find enclosed a copy of my ‘Monthly Savers Account’ with a current balance of …….. I can confirm that I have a direct payment set up from my current account with transfers …… on the 1st of each month into this savings account. Therefore, I will have …… in my account by the time my fiance arrives in the country in October. In addition I have an Instant Savings Account (ISA) with a current balance of £……. I can again confirm that I will support my fiancé both before our wedding and until such time as she has received official permission from the UK Home Office that she is allowed to work in the UK.
I currently share a flat in the London borough of …… with three other people (Letters confirming residence enclosed). However, I can confirm that I intend to leave my current residence at the end of September and move into new accommodation. I will share this new flat with my fiancé and can confirm that we will be the sole occupiers of this residence.
Finally I can confirm that this is a genuine proposed marriage and that I am currently not married nor have I been married before
I hope this letter and supporting documentation assists you in granting my fiancé, Becky DLF, a visa to marry in the UK.
I can be contacted either by email (……) , by phone (……..) or by post through the address at the top of this letter.
Please do contact me if you require further information so I can address it as soon as possible
Yours sincerely
And here is my letter....
Re: Application for Fiancee visa to marry in United Kingdom.
I am writing to you to request a fiancé visa in order to visit the United Kingdom to marry my boyfriend Mr Michael ...... who is a British Citizen by birth and currently based in London.
I can confirm that this is a genuine marriage of love and that following successful granting of the fiancé visa I intend to fly to the UK in early October.
we intend to marry in October/November in London; probably in ...... or ......... depending on where we live.
Although my fiancé currently ‘flatshares’ he plans to move into a self contained flat on the 1st October. Following my arrival in early October I can confirm that we will be the sole occupiers of the property.
It is my intention that following our marriage I will remain in the UK. I understand that after my marriage I will require additional permission from the UK Home Office to remain and work. To this end I have funds to support me whilst this process is completed. My fiancé has also confirmed that he is willing to support me until such time as I am granted permission to work.
I have enclosed the following documentation in support of my application
Completed and signed fiancé visa application form
My current passport
A passport-sized photograph of me
5 photographs of myself and my fiancé together
Application fee of $.....
Evidence of sufficient funds to support myself whilst I am in the UK
Supporting documentation from my fiancé, Michael .......
A letter of support confirming our intentions to marry
His current passport
A letter confirming his full time employment
Two recent pay-slips from his employer
Recent Bank Statement
Savings account Statement
Evidence of his current residence
I can be contacted either by email or by phone 001 956 536 4799. Please note that whilst my current home address is………my postal address is……and as such all correspondence should be addressed there.
Please let me know if there are any further items that your require so that I can get them to you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely