First off I want to thank everyone who post to this site, there is a lot of great information here, and everyone seems to go out of there way to help others get to where they want to be.
So, after reading a ton of posts I am still a little unsure of what may lie ahead of me.
My girlfriend is going to Grad School in Scotland, and just got her student visa. I am planning on taking a leave of work for 6 months, and going with her in September so she has some support while there. I plan on not working during that time, and just going for a vacation, and the chance to also travel the UK and Europe. No work, no volunteering, really just a nice long holiday.
I believe I have enough funds for the 6 months (if anyone knows the amount needed for clearness, that would be great), a letter from job stating my leave of work, and my return date to full time status, Bank Stubs, Work Pay stubs, a valid passport. And a return flight back to the states in 6 months.
I guess the question I have is, after reading all the posts, am I in danger of being turned away, do to wanting to be in the UK for the full 6 months? All honesty, I plan to leave at the 6-month mark, maybe a little before. I called the UK visa hotline, looked at about 100 web sites all stating that no visa is required for up to 6 months. So anyone with any thought about this would be great. Would it be better to say I am only traveling 2 months but stay and remain under the 6-month visit limit?
Also, if I plan on traveling outside of the UK lets say I fly to Ireland or Spain for a couple of weeks, would I have problem coming back to UK?
Thanks in advance for any and all help.