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Topic: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?  (Read 1108 times)

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Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« on: August 23, 2006, 06:45:26 AM »
Can someone please tell me everything that needs to be done once you've found your car, decided how much to spend etc? I am buying from a private party. I know there is a V5 document that needs to be filled out, and road tax, and insurance matters, but when I ask my Brit co-workers about things, they talk in unfamiliar acronyms.  :-\\\\

I need a simplified step by step checklist to make sure I am doing everything correctly.

I did my research and decided on a model.
I checked on prices in my area.
I found a few cars and checked them out in person.
I decided on one, ran the HPI, and arranging the money aspect of the transaction today.

What's next?
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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 12:27:56 PM »
What's next?

The present owner should have the registration document.  Any vehicle currently on the road should now have the new European-format V5C, which is a multi-colored, double A4 sheet.

You need to fill in your name and address in section 6 (green).  Check box #12 to indicate "New keeper"  and enter the date of transfer in box #13 (remember it's DD/MM/YY ;) ).  Both you and the seller then need to sign and date section 8 (red) at the bottom of the page.    Copy your details and the date of transfer into section 10 (also green). 

Now you start tearing up the document!   The previous owner should send the first page to DVLA to register the transfer.   You need to keep the section 10 slip (also marked V5C/2) as your temporary registration.  The rest of the second page -- section 9 (yellow) & section 11 (mauve) -- can be thrown away as they don't apply to a simple private transaction.

You should receive a complete new V5C registration in your own name within a few weeks. 

Legally you must be covered for third-party liability at any time while driving (and the authorities here take that very seriously), so you'll need to arrange insurance cover before your collect the car and drive it home.  You don't need to wait for the insurance certificate/cover note to arrive before you collect, just so long as the insurer has cover for you in place.  (Alternatively, you could have a suitably insured friend drive it back for you, as just about all auto policies here allow one to drive somebody else's car.)   

MoT inspection certificate (if applicable)
Make sure that the previous owner gives you the current MoT (Ministry of Transport) inspection certificate for the vehicle.  The new computerized certificates are numbered VT20 with the VOSA (Vehicle & Operator Services Agency) logo on the top right, and have a green-ish background, but there are still some older-style documents in use.   

If there is no current certificate, then you are only allowed to drive the vehicle to an MoT garage to have the inspection carried out (and that inspection must be pre-booked).

MoT certificates are not required for a vehicle less than 3 years old.

Road tax / Vehicle Excise License / Tax disc / Road fund license
Different official and colloquial names for the same thing.  The license is not owner-specific, so if the current tax disc in the vehicle is still valid you don't need to do anything until it's due to expire. 

If there is no current tax disc, you'll have to ask for form V10 from the Post Office (or local DVLA office).   Complete the V10, then take that form along with your temporary registration slip (V5C/2), proof of insurance, and current MoT certificate (if applicable) to the Post Office, along with payment (the amount will depend upon the car's age, engine size, etc.).    You'll then be handed the tax disc which you should display on the lower left corner of your windshield, or on an immediately adjacent side window.


Now you're done.  Go for a drive and enjoy it!  :)
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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 06:14:23 PM »
Thanks Paul! Thats exactly what I was looking for.
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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 11:05:25 AM »
I see from another thread that you've bought your car now.  :)

Have you managed to get all the paperwork sorted out?
To car
Gates ajar
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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 11:07:43 AM »
Yes. Thanks very much. It all went exactly as you said and I already have my first road trip under my belt.  :D
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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 11:27:04 AM »
That's good.  :)

Just to round out the picture with future paperwork, there's not much more you need to know. 

Once your name is on the registration you should receive a renewal notice for the road tax a few weeks before the current tax disc expires.  (You might not receive a notice the first time if the expiry date is close to when you bought the vehicle, but it's still your responsibility to renew in time -- If you don't have the renewal notice you need a V10 form, as described above).

If the car is over 3 years old, then you need to keep a note of the expiry date on the MoT inspection certificate.  You won't get a reminder of that, so it's up to you to book a test and get a new certificate before it expires.  You can actually get an inspection carried out up to a month ahead of time and not "lose" the additional month.  For example, the certificate on my little truck expires October of this year, but I'll be taking it for an inspection during September and so long as I present the current certificate I can get the new one issued with an October 2007 expiry date.     If the car is less than 3 years old, you won't have to worry about any of this!

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Gates ajar
Burma Shave

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Re: Buying a used car~ Walk me through the paperwork please?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 11:38:25 AM »
That's helpful info.

The car is due for MoT next month so that gives me some scheduling flexibility.

Appreciate you spelling it all out for me and for anyone else buying their first UK car!
The only meaning anything has is the meaning you give to it.       ~Author Unknown

2006 Work Permit -> 2011 ILR -> 2012 Dual Citizen

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