Just got great news !
One of my very best mates and his wifey have become parents to twin boys this morning!
Slightly nerve wracking for them, they were placing excessive demands on his wife's body and there were some minor complications leading the docs to want to get them out asap. they're premature by about 3-4 weeks (I'm told twins are normally premature anyway) so they've been pulled out at the 7.5 month stage, both around 3 llb's each - but doing well and mum is doing good too. Apparently they'll be in hospital for around a month or so!
I'm really really excited for them and glad they're all ok !
Another of my mates had his 2nd about a week ago, a baby boy and for them it was a case of in the hospital at 8am, some huffing and puffing and by 3pm they were home! not bad for a days work was my mates words!
Babies are everywhere for me right now - almost makes me want to go out and have one or 2 of me own! haha!
Cheers! Dennis! West London & Slough UK!