Anyone else notice how much more lax the US was compared to the UK?
OH YEAH, I DID! I was patted down TWICE at Gatwick Tuesday. Once at the regular security check and then once at the gate. Needless to say, the way they pat you down (basically avoiding using the palm by using the sides of their hands), the security screeners got a good feeling for every jiggly bit of me! Made me wish I had washboard abs, just this once!
The second time I was patted down, I'd bought some Extra gum at Boots in the shopping area of the airport and had slipped it into my pocket. The woman patting me down at the gate thought I had a lighter in my pocket.
if you're leaving from a uk airport they're still only allowing (1) carry-on.
It was awful. There was an Italian lady who was outraged about the one bag thing at Gatwick. She had a laptop bag and a handbag. She'd already passed through the main security checkpoint and was yelling at the guy who was at the secondary one and showing how they both fit into the little carry-on size limit basket. She was all: "I'm going to write your government! This is ridiculous!" And the security guy was all: "It's a
government regulation. It's only
not clear if you can't read."
Needless to say, I was as friendly and patient with as many of the airport/airline employees as I could be. Even the twelve year old boys asking me if I'd packed my bag, when I'd packed it, where I'd packed it...