Like everyone says, yes you can send choccy home no problem. I think you do have to state on the packet it contains chocolate, just so customs know. I don't think there's any restrictions as such beyond this.
To put it into perspective, as my Mum & aunty and alot of their friends used to work in the chocolate factory here in Slough, we've taken SUITCASES full of chocolate to India and to the US before! I've sent heavy 7-8KG parcels of choccy too !
Sometimes I wonder how much freeby chocolate I've eaten, given to friends, sent abroad, taken to work, and hate to say it.. thrown away over the years!
I've got a carboard box full of mars bars, bounty, snickers, galaxy, galaxy variants, the ice cream variants to get through over the festive season !
I should wear a purple suit, some stupid glasses, import a short fat uncle from India and call myself Dennis the Chocolate Menace methinks!
lastly, all my USA and Canadian cousins absolutley loved Toblerone choccy, I think you can get in the US, but it's the large 400g and 1Kg bars that really have the wow factor over there !
Cheers! DtM! West London & Slough UK!