well yesterday I was out with my darling husband.
when we stopped by Ed's diner (two that I know of in London, one right near the Trocadero...next to YO sushi). He ordered a milkshake...and I couldn't.
A) because they don't taste enough like the ones at home...and B)because they make me illlll. :O I'm lactose intolerant and can only handle small amounts of dairy at a time lol. Now if this had been say...a steak and shake kinda shake...well heck, I'da risked it...no lie.
Anyway, so I was sitting there waiting for the waiter and I was saying to David how much I really missed root beer floats (mmm...mug...watch out wish, I may have to visit up near you soon mua ha)...and then the waiter showed up and I just looked at him and asked him if he knew what a float was (being quite prepared to explain it to him if he didn't hehe). Luckily he did. So yesterday, I had a sprite float.
just thought I'd share...