Great thread, Britwife!
One of the many things I love about the UK is its literary tradition. I think children find their own portal into the world based on their particular circumstances, and mine was through books.
Life is a wonderful mystery, and I think that the great writers ("great" being defined individually but these top 100 lists do identify books of common greatness) make life ever so much richer.
I remember the BBC top 100 best loved books list from a few years ago, and it highlighted books I hadn't been exposed to in the States, so I picked up a few over here and loved them - they have changed my life forever. The BBC also ran a series on the top 21 of the top 100 books with 30 minute time slots for each. I cried at the 30 minute segment Simon Sharma did about "War and Peace" and why it was his best loved book (yet I still haven't read it - shame on me, must show discipline for breaking down a 1,400 page book into a manageable reading schedule!)