I have had trouble with my knee for well, forever. I played on youth soccer leagues up until high school and workout on as regular basis as I can, but my stupid knee keeps bothering me. It's been a few years since I last saw the sports medicine people, but it's hard to see one while I'm at uni because my insurance doesn't really cover me out of state (don't even get me started on that one).
Anyways I was a the sports medicine people a few years ago when I had horrible swelling and the worst pain in my left knee. Yeah, well apparently I have weak muscles in my knee and will have chronic bursitis. Supposedly I can go to physical therapy and it *might* help with the situation....Has anyone else had this problem? Did physical therapy help at all?
I would go if it really did improve my situation, but I don't want to go if it doesn't help as my insurance is being dumb about it. I've been slipping on the ice on a regular basis, straining my knee, and last night I really did it in. My knee is now very painful, it's swollen and my knee cap feels like it's on top of some jello.
Any tips besides icing it, wearing a knee brace (for warmth and improved circulation) and doing lower impact exercises instead of high impact ones?