Hahaha Peeps!!! This so reminds me of two people I know. First is my grandma, and she's a post depression/post war person, so I understand this mentality in her completely. I suppose if you grew up never knowing if you'd have enough, etc., you might go a bit over the top with stocking up as well.
My mom is a bit of a food and cleaning supplies hoarder, but not to the extreme. Now a fellow teacher at her school, oh my is he nuts!!! First of all he's only like 24 or 25, so I have no idea where his obsession with hoarding up on sales comes from, other than that he is the biggest tightwad I've ever met. Now growing up in a teaching family (and going to become one myself), I can understand coupon clipping and pinching pennies, but he is OUT OF CONTROL. He's still single, but owns his own 3 bedroom house. One bedroom he sleeps in, one is his office, and one is...well it's basically a super-sized pantry. His last major purchase was like 3 cases of green beans. I appreciate that they were only like 40 cents a can, but for crying out loud, he lives by himself, how many beans can you possibly use?
Ah, the interesting things you see in life. I have my own quirks too.