We've never gone into the airport as the other was leaving. In the U.S. we would drop each other off, even before the security changes made it pointless to do anything else. Usually, whoever was not going needed to get back to work/drop the kids off at school or some other task. When it was me doing the dropping off, I usually didn't cry until I finally went to bed that night, and realized I was alone.
It's much the same here, he takes taxi or bus to train station, and train to airport, and I certainly can't take myself and the baby through all that just to say good bye. So, again, he leaves in a.m. and it's only much later that I have to face it.
Now, when I'm the traveller, I do get teary eyed when he drives off. But on the one hand, I'm another one of those private types, and on the other hand, I'm generally pretty excited to be on my own - a rarity.