Don't be fooled, like I was, by the appearance of Hershey's bars at your local shop. You will buy 4 bars of Hershey's, thinking, well, maybe it says 'creamy milk chocolate' because you know, it's a marketing thing. And you will look forward to opening up your bar of Hershey's and you will think how cool it is you can finally get some American chocolate and you are glad you got more than one bar. And then you will get home and you will sit down and you will open your bar of chocolate while you are sitting at the computer and you will take a bite of this bar of chocolate and you will think, I will say, you will think, "What. The. Hell." Because this bar of chocolate does not taste like a bar of Hersheys, no, it does not. It does not taste like a bar of Hersheys, it does not even taste like a bar of creamy milk chocolate Hersheys, it tastes like a horrible idea gone terribly wrong, a pandering to the British palate of Cadbury type chocolates but trying to keep the spirit of Hershey's alive which is impossible if you are taking away the very essence of what makes Hershey's taste like Hershey's which this new bar has done.
That is all.