Hi Marlespo. I've got it, too
Roacea seems to be triggered by pitta imbalance (if you are into Ayurveda at all) which means excess heat. Here is what can aggravate it: Spicy foods, heat, too much sun, being dehydrated (drink lots of water), stress. You might notice it flares up around your period, too.
I'm a real natural kind of person and usually try to treat everything with herbs and natural topical stuff as opposed to pharmaceutical stuff, but let me tell you that won't work with rosacea (it didn't for me, anyway) so make sure you use your Metrogel. It will keep it under control beautifully. I once got lazy because everything was looking good and back to normal so I stopped, but then it flared up! So I put it on everyday now (once a day though, not twice seems to be enough for me).
Also, be cafeful what you wash you face with because anything harsh or with a fragarance can aggravate it. I honestly don't even wash my face everyday, just rinse with warm water. When I do wash it I used something my dermatologist gave me but I ran out and forget what it was called (I'd recognize the bottle, but I don't know if they have it here in the UK). What has your dermatologist recommended you use?