Hello peeps...I received a few emails from either Continental or was it defra? Well anywho its about the connecting flight thing I asked you guys a long while ago. So anyways heres the emails I got along with the question I asked ^.^ I Read them over and over and would get confused/mixed signals on the emails... Soooooo if you could give me your opinion on what you think it all means that would be great...
My question:
Hi there,
I was wondering if my dogs would still qualify under the UK PET SCHEME if we were to leave on Continental Airline from Denver International Airport going to London Gatewick International Airport with a connection fight at Houston International Airport. We are leaving for the UK this Sept/Oct so I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about all this without having my dogs end up in quarantine. The reason I'm asking this is because I'm not sure if the connecting flight is going to mess things up for them being able to qualify under the UK PET SCHEME.
Their replies:
Email 1: From "Pets Helpline (BCMS)" <pets.helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk>
(this is 1 or 2 emails Pets Helpline sent me)
Yes, your dogs can leave from Denver and still qualify under the Pet Scheme. We will need at least 2 hours to connect in Houston.
Email 2: From "Saull, Jonathan (AH)" <Jonathan.Saull@animalhealth.gsi.gov.uk>
Our reference AHDWO 3565
Dear Ms M,
Thank you for your e-mail received on the 6th June 2007.
On the understanding that your dogs have been prepared in accordance with the rules governing the Scheme
http://www.defra.gov.UK/animal/quarantine/pets/procedures/owners.htm [nofollow] Therefore, in the event of your dogs entering the UK with either an unapproved carrier, or on an unauthorised route, or indeed a combination of either then it will be necessary for you to make arrangements for your dogs to enter into quarantine upon arrival in the UK.
However, they may become eligible for early release from quarantine if they can be shown to meet all the other rules of the Scheme.
An import licence will be required (from this Department) should your dogs enter the UK other than on an approved route and authorised carrier. We would be unable to issue the licence until we have confirmation from your chosen quarantine premises and carrying agent that they will house and transport your dogs on its arrival into the UK.
I have attached a list of quarantine premises for your information. It is vital that you contact your chosen quarantine premises well in advance of travel to book your dogs into quarantine and for them to apply for the import licence and arrange transport from the airport for your dogs.
Please note that all expenses in connection with the landing, transit, quarantine and vaccination of your dogs are solely for agreement between you and the quarantine premises and carrying agent concerned.
It will then be necessary for you to apply for early release from quarantine please visit our website to see more information on early release.
http://www.defra.gov.UK/animalh/quarantine/pets/procedures/support-info/earlyrelease.htm [nofollow] Please visit our website to view a list of approved routes and carriers
http://www.defra.gov.UK/animalh/quarantine/pets/procedures/support-info/noneuroutes-air.htm [nofollow] I hope this has answered your question. Should you require further information you may wish to:
· Check our website
www.defra.gov.UK/animalh/quarantine/index.htm [nofollow] · The PETS Helpline 0870 2411710
· Contact me on 01245 358383
· Or quarantine@animalhealth.gsi.gov.UK
Yours sincerely
Mr J Saull
Administrative Officer
Rabies Correspondence Team
Animal Health Chelmsford
Email 3: From "Pets Helpline (BCMS)" <pets.helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk>
Good Afternoon
An approved route must be used to enter the UK and Houston to Gatwick with Continental airlines is an approved route. However, you must take into account that the ticks and tapeworm must be done between 24 – 48 hours before the check in time at Houston.
http://www.defra.gov.UK/animalh/quarantine/pets/procedures/support-info/parasites.htm [nofollow] Regards
Louise Carter
Pets Helpline
Okie so thanks for reading all that....what I'm having an issue with is one says YES!!! you can take them in to the LGW that was and then I get the other 2 emails and I get the impression that its no u can take that way without having them end up in the dreadful quarantine