I just wanted to give a tiny warning to those of you who may consider or already have TERI private loans for study overseas. They are very commonly referred to on UKY.
It's hard to know what will happen in the future, but if you do hit hard times, be forewarned that TERI do not approve anything more than one year of forbearance.
I'm not going to go into much detail, but it's pretty common knowledge that my DH and I are skint right now. Things will change in a year - my husband already has great job leads. But until then, we are having a hard time dealing with my student loan debt. I am trying to work out a reduced payment plan with them but it has been very hard going. Apparently TERI will not even offer forbearance extensions to soldiers serving in Iraq/Afghanistan.
Give this due consideration when applying for their loans, especially if you intend to take out more than one year of them.