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Topic: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??  (Read 12128 times)

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2007, 06:20:35 PM »

He doesn't like that the country really isn't set up for walkers - very few public footpaths, open access to countryside, etc (as compared to here). 

Carolyn, this is going to be a big issue for me when we go back. Yes there are walking routes near where we will be living but it will be nothing like jumping on a train and walking out in the incredible English countryside for miles and stumbling upon a pub for lunch. We do that almost every weekend and I will say that it will be the biggest thing that I will miss.

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2007, 06:24:30 PM »
Yes, I think my husband will really miss that, too. But he's already exploring the US national park system and psyching himself to accept that that's how it is. Plus, as a scientist, he can often get permission to access land that isn't publicly used.
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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2007, 06:48:26 PM »
Yes there are walking routes near where we will be living...

And if it's anything like the places I've lived previously, the walking routes are often asphalt tracks that run alongside (or not far from) a highway! :-\\\\

balmerhon, we always seek out the national parks when we go back for visits, but even there - it can mean driving hours just to get there.
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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2007, 07:40:04 PM »
And if it's anything like the places I've lived previously, the walking routes are often asphalt tracks that run alongside (or not far from) a highway! :-\\\\

There are walking routes in the woods in the county (did it occasionally before I moved but nothing like being here) and plenty of walking in Western MD as well as other parts but you have to drive to get to them. Anyway I look at it, it doesn't top the English countryside.

Another thing that I love about walking over here is that you don't have to worry about tics (I have a huge phobia about them).

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK perminantly??
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2007, 08:36:01 PM »
We want to move to the US sometime in the next 4-10 years or so. Unless we win the lottery! Then it would be fairly immediate. DH is starting a business and that will take some time to setup, grow and get large enough to either expand to the US or sell his shares to make our move easier. We want to start our family here, but then move. I'd rather not wait to have kids, I feel like kids are fairly flexible until they hit around 12yrs old. Ideally, we'd get some equity on the house, expand his business and restart mine (pilates) in teh US, not far from my sisters in PA. I would like to have help with teh kids at some point  :P

This changed as before I was more sure of staying in the UK, since going home a few weeks ago, I am sure i want to move to the US. I have been living here now 2yrs and as much as I do like it, I know I miss the summers and nice weather far too much. And the snow, yes, I miss the snow  :o

Did you pass your pilates certification?

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2007, 08:39:04 PM »
Did you pass your pilates certification?

Ahhh, thanks for asking  :) yes, I passed and I got several compliments from the participants on my course and the assessor. I am very happy! I just have to wait for my insurance to be approved before I can teach officially. I am going on to mat 2 in September to increase my knowledge.
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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2007, 08:56:15 PM »

Ahhh, thanks for asking  :) yes, I passed and I got several compliments from the participants on my course and the assessor. I am very happy! I just have to wait for my insurance to be approved before I can teach officially. I am going on to mat 2 in September to increase my knowledge.

Congratulations!!!! :)

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2007, 08:59:44 PM »

Ahhh, thanks for asking  :) yes, I passed and I got several compliments from the participants on my course and the assessor. I am very happy! I just have to wait for my insurance to be approved before I can teach officially. I am going on to mat 2 in September to increase my knowledge.

Congratulations  ;D  [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2007, 10:53:55 PM »
He doesn't like that the country really isn't set up for walkers - very few public footpaths, open access to countryside, etc (as compared to here). 

Ah, this is why I liked Boulder, Colorado! 

We won't be moving back to the US, but if we had to, it would have to be Boulder.

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2007, 12:23:03 PM »
We're probably in it for the long haul. DH would love to live in California, but not forever and I have no interest in going back. To go back just for a bit is too disruptive - I have NO desire to ever have to uproot like that again and we're quite settled. Also we don't want kids and to have Europe in our backyard for travel is too good to let go!!!

I could've penned this myself Anne, as you well know. Other half loves Calif and would be off in a shot if I gave the thumbs up... and the boys love it too - though for slightly selfish reasons of being spoilt mercilessly by family and eating/doing whatever they like.

But I can't envision moving now - it fills me with dread. And the bay area isn't a place I recognise anymore or particularly admire. I remember it from the 80s with great affection though. :)
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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2007, 06:28:16 PM »
I remember it from the 80s with great affection though. :)

me too  :)

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #41 on: August 03, 2007, 10:44:17 AM »
What if your husband hates it as much as you seem to hate living here?

I have discussed this with my DH because the thought does scare me that he would end up not liking living in the states as much as I don't really care living here.  But he has brought up some valid points on his end... he is a very laid back guy (sometimes too much so!), he easily adjusts to whatever surroundings he is in (before we met each other he used to just up and go somewhere for months on end by himself including other countries).  I had to remind him though that it's sooo much different being a tourist and then actually living the day to day life.  But we are pretty much in agreement that it's way to liberal for us over here and he really likes my church congregation back home.
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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2007, 10:48:22 AM »
We believe that we're here for good.  I know that plans can change.  We'd like to move back to the US for a couple of years as my parents get older and my sister's family expands, but we likely wouldn't settle there. 

Yes, this move to the UK has been very hard on me (and my family) but I truly don't think I'd have it any better in the US.  DH likes the UK better and I'm so torn - I see the good and bad in both and will likely never fully 100% settle in either.  Knowing that about myself I don't think it mays sense for us to uproot and move again.

I do threaten to move back occasionally due to better job opps in the US.  But really, if and when we ever get ready, I'd likely be so out of touch with the US that it'd still be like starting over again.  And I'm truly not ready and willing to go through all that again.  I figure if I can be patient, take the time to learn and set-up here, and feel comfortable in doing so then it'll be a million times better.

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2007, 03:32:05 PM »
I was living in Scotland on a student visa for almost 3 years. During that time, I had the chance to decide where I really wanted to live. Well, we both decided to move back to the States because of quality of life issues (things were too expensive for our liking, too many neds/yobs, we were sick of the depressing rain) and better job opportunities. We went the fiance visa route and got married in the US. For a while things looked pretty bleak. My husband couldn't work for many months because he had to wait for his green card, and we felt stuck. We were even contemplating throwing in the towel and moving back to the UK again.

Well, fast forward 13 months, and things couldn't be better! We both have our dream jobs (I'm a graphic designer!), we live in a great place, and we even have a new kitten. While my husband has gone through some rough patches with adjustment (who hasn't?), his confidence has grown tremendously and he's made his family back home very proud. He fits in very well over here -- and the Scottish accent doesn't hurt!

As for walking around, maybe it's just where we live (Massachusetts), but there are plenty of unique places to walk around and explore here with the ocean nearby and lots of wildlife. We live in walking distance from a street full of pubs and restaurants. I know there are some parts of the US that are cookie cutter however, with all the same shops and no distinction between towns. I have no desire to live in those parts of the US.

I wouldn't rule out moving back to Scotland in the future (we probably will at some point) but moving to the States together was one of the best decisions we've ever made, at least where we are in our lives now.

(Although, of course, after living in Scotland for so long and having family over there, it's still my second home, and I'm looking forward to returning for New Years.)
Plans on hold 'cuz Brexit

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Re: Anyone else not staying in the UK permanently??
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2007, 07:01:24 PM »
I used to live in Rhode Island and we had great walking trails around where I lived and my town was cute too.  Also, I lived in the White Mountains in New Hampshire and they, of course, were great.  All the hiking and walking you could want and blueberries (and bears) too.

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