We want to move to the US sometime in the next 4-10 years or so. Unless we win the lottery! Then it would be fairly immediate. DH is starting a business and that will take some time to setup, grow and get large enough to either expand to the US or sell his shares to make our move easier. We want to start our family here, but then move. I'd rather not wait to have kids, I feel like kids are fairly flexible until they hit around 12yrs old. Ideally, we'd get some equity on the house, expand his business and restart mine (pilates) in teh US, not far from my sisters in PA. I would like to have help with teh kids at some point
This changed as before I was more sure of staying in the UK, since going home a few weeks ago, I am sure i want to move to the US. I have been living here now 2yrs and as much as I do like it, I know I miss the summers and nice weather far too much. And the snow, yes, I miss the snow