No idea where that might be, though if I hear of it, I'll let you know.
One word of warning, though-- don't get your hopes up!
A lot of times, you'll go to an 'American style' restaurant, and see something on the menu, and get all excited about it...
...and then, when it arrives, you realise the people responsible have never actually set foot in the U.S., and have no idea what the thing you're craving is actually supposed to taste like.
I was in Oban a few weeks ago. I went to a steakhouse and, against my better judgement, let my husband talk me into splitting an order of Buffalo wings.
I was prepared for them to be rather soggy/rubbery (baked in the sauce, not fried and then sauced). I was NOT prepared for the sauce in question-- and I swear I am not making this up-- to taste almost exactly like baked bean sauce. And not even good, American-style baked beans, but the nasty, tomato-y UK ones.
Hope is a beautiful and precious thing. Try not to waste it on whateverthehell they think a corndog is.