A person shouldn't feel guilty about not enjoying reading a book no matter how classic it is. There are enough books out there to satisfy everyone and you can never read them all--so I say give it a chance and if you don't like it, try another one until you find what you like!
I absolutely *loved* The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was 23. I tried reading them again 15 years later and couldn't get through the first couple chapters (Hey--that's what the movie is for!
I had to read Pride and Prejudice for school when I was 15 and thought it was boring for the most part. I've recently re-read it--*twice* I found it so engrossing and wonderful!
I have a friend who takes it personally that I don't like books she reccommends to me--how silly is that?
Sorry, I just can't get into Harry Potter past the first two or three books--nothing personal!