I figured since I made it through all 46 pages of the thread (over several days) I'd go ahead and post. This will be my first Thanksgiving in the UK and since I've been feeling a little homesick my mom has decided to come visit! We're going to have our big feast the saturday after Thanksgiving so my in-laws can come. Besides my mom, my husband, my 9-year old step-son and my in-laws, we've invited my American best friend and her husband who are students in London, and our next-door neighbors (they've kindly offered the use of their oven since we only have a tiny one).
I'm really going to miss having a real Thanksgiving with all of my extended family but I'm determined to make my new family love it as much as I do. My step-son doesn't really understand what it's all about but he loves learning about American history so I'm thinking of ordering a kid's book about the history of the holiday to read with him.
As for the menu, I'm going to see our neighborhood butcher next week about a turkey (I saw frozen ones at Sainsbury's yesterday) and I'm letting either my husband (he does a brilliant roast) or my mom handle that one. We're going to have homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and maybe green beans (not a casserole, usually home-canned ones)? Definitely pumpkin pie and pecan pie. My mom is going to make my Granny's rolls and I've got a load of Southern Biscuit flour in the freezer if we wanted proper biscuits. It will be a stretch to have everyone in our small flat (we don't even have a dining table yet but are searching for the perfect folding one) but it'll be worth it to start new traditions here in England.