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Topic: Safe to ship laptop?  (Read 1758 times)

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Safe to ship laptop?
« on: April 02, 2004, 02:54:19 PM »
Hi all!  I'm starting to deal with the logistics of moving back to the States.  We have a bit of a timing/logistics issue in that we are taking the last 2 weeks of our time here and going to France for holiday.  We will be shipping most of our items back, but I'm concerned about the laptop.  Hubby wants to ship it.  His theory is that it will be insured, so if something happens to it, no biggie.  My theory is that (1) that's a real pain in the tushy, because claiming on the insurance will suck, and we'll be without a computer when we return to the States if something happens and (2) all of our pictures from our stay are on the laptop, with no way to back up, along with my resume, contacts, etc.

My only other option is to carry it around on holiday, which isn't incredibly safe either.  I had proposed leaving the laptop here in London with a friend, swinging back through and spending a night here before moving back, but hubby is dead against that.

So, all of that long-windedness to ask, do you suppose it's safe to ship the laptop?

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Re: Safe to ship laptop?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2004, 07:43:01 PM »
David & I have had this same conversation - He's all for shipping it but I want to carry it with us in the last few weeks (we're also planning on a trip right beforehand, but who konws if that will happen as we'll be baby-rific at that point!) - - - I'd say (personally) either situation is just as safe, just different risks... do whichever makes you feel better! But do a back up of the whole system beforehand and keep it in a separate place as the laptop, that way if something *does* happen at least you haven't lost your photos and information. How about that for vague. :)
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Re: Safe to ship laptop?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2004, 04:08:13 AM »
if youre extra worried, you can make two backups and leave one in London with your friend and send one on to the states to a family member.

It can take 6 - 8 weeks for a consignment to arrive in the states by sea so if you think you cant be without a laptop for up to 10 weeks then you should totally carry it. Hotels dont like valuable items left in rooms and are more than happy to store your items for you in the Hotel vault. Some hotels even have safes in the roomes, though they might not be big enough to fit a lap top.

There are always ways to make sure your laptop is safe. Take out travel insurance before you go to France and that way you know if something happens to it you'll be covered.

best of luck!
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