I've a received P46 form from my employer, but I'm at a loss as to which of the 3 boxes (A, B, C) to tick:
A) This is my first job since last 6 April and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker's Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension
B) This is now my only job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable Jobseeker's Allowance or Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension.
C) I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension.
I have never worked in the UK before (was self-employed in the US prior) and none of the options mention this nor does any supporting information I can find online. I'm guessing I tick option A??? I don't like being taxed at the emergency rate. Can someone help me?
Kind regards,