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Topic: UK Hand baggage restriction changed  (Read 1942 times)

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2008, 05:36:30 PM »
i'll be forced to check online to see what that particular policy is the day before i travel.  annoying. 

hee hee, it will be like a survival of the fittest competition. Those of us prepared to check regulations before travelling will 'win' but just at the annoyance of those who don't.

I think there is nothing irresponsible about travelling with a small handbag plus a small carry on. I hate stashing my purse and mobile and tickets and passport and pen and ... in strategic locations in my carry on or grrr worse yet, having to have it all in one bag before I even step over the line to the security line. I nearly lost it when I had my tiny iPod shuffle in my hand and the security person wouldn't let me cross until it was packed in half full pack. Clearly it would have fit and I had PLENTY of time to put it in. I had just taken it out of my ears ready to put in the bag too.

Stansted always drives me mad though.  ;)

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2008, 05:43:03 PM »
I would have shouted if someone gave me a hard time about an iPod for crying out loud.

I was on a flight from EDI to LCY last month - about my hundredth - and one flight attendant asked me buckle my seat belt as they had made the announcement. I had tons of things scattered around as it was just me in the row so I said yes and started putting it all away.  Then about 3 minutes later she comes AGAIN and asks this time for me to put my bag under the seat.  I said 'I know' and okay, I'm working on it.  Next thing I know two other attendants come to ask me to buckle my seat belt again.  I was like  >:( >:( >:( I KNOW ALREADY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LEAVE ME ALONE!

Olive can testify that in general I DO NOT like people (any people including my husband) telling me what to do.  Much less flight attendants who can see I am making an effort here and plus we were about 30 minutes away from touching down.  PLUS on top of it I detest when people in authority see it necessary to enforce rules without any sense behind them.  I mean, it's one thing if I'm endangering someone or myself or whatever.  It's another when I'm TRYING to comply and the actual risk factor of not doing so at that very minute is slim to non existant!

I think the first attendant had already marked me as 'troublesome passenger' and told the other two.  Hee hee!

« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 10:13:41 PM by geeta »

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2008, 06:04:41 PM »
I would have shouted if someone gave me a hard time about an iPod for crying out loud.

This was my reason for 5 months of abstinence from Stansted. I am going to test myself again in 2 weeks but I might have to go back into rehab. Those cheap flights really aren't worth the aggravation!

Olive can testify that in general I DO NOT like people (any people including my husband) telling me what to do. 

No, really?  ;)

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2008, 06:30:17 PM »
One of the things I hate most is at a restaurant, when I sometimes put my wallet on the floor, and a waiter tells me not to put it there.  I KNOW THE RISK, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.   >:( 

Yeah yeah, I know it's their job, they're just looking out for me, they don't want me to blame the restaurant, etc. etc.  It still irritates me to no end.

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2008, 06:32:25 PM »

you are such a little Mary sunshine, aren't you?  ;) :-*

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2008, 06:39:05 PM »
you are such a little Mary sunshine, aren't you?  ;) :-*

I HATE WHEN THEY TELL ME WHAT TO DO.  Like I am an idiot or something!!!

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2008, 06:45:29 PM »
I HATE WHEN THEY TELL ME WHAT TO DO.  Like I am an idiot or something!!!

That's what is funny because these people deal with clueless people all day so they treat everyone like that. Um, hello! We're not all that way!

On my way back to London my seat back entertainment wasn't working (at least 3 rows of us x 3 seats) They said they would try to reset it. Nothing. Asked again. Nothing. Once more after the dinner service and the dude said 'my colleague told you there was nothing they could do.' Oh my patience went out the roof at that point! I was speaking on behalf of at least 9 people and suffered through the dinner service without disrupting them and then they b*tch back and tell us to go find our own seats with screens that worked. Yeah, great joy that was asking a family of 4 who just settled their kids to sleep if I could have their spare seat. Nice.

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2008, 10:09:06 PM »
On our flight back to the US this Christmas, we were on a flight where the flight attendants literally buckled in 30 seconds before we landed. The announcement for the flight crew to do their cross check and head to their seats never came on. We were wondering what was going on with them as they are usually buckled in well before landing, we saw one flight attendant on her little phone ranting and our comedian captain had his sidekick make the announcement just after landing. We think the flight attendant was giving him an earful.

See, even they aren't always packed up and ready for landing immediately.  ;)

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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2008, 11:51:05 AM »
continuation of rant.

my annoyance is every airline, airport, country seems to do things differently- all in the name of 'safety'.  why is it ok to have a blanket over my legs during takeover on Continental but on Virgin it's a hazard?  Why is lifting the outside armrest during flight unacceptable on USAir but okay on United?  Why is bringing a bottle of water, sealed through security a risk, but buying a bottle after security fine?  Why do I need to take off my shoes to go through security in Tokyo, but in Koyto it's fine?  Why does my watch set off some detectors but not others?  Why is having a pillow on my lap during landing a risk on Virgin but perfectly fine everywhere else?  Why is turning on your phone immediatly after landing okay on USAir/United but not on Virgin/BA (same airport- EWR)?  Why is explaining to a flight attendent that a palm pilot- basically an outlook calender in electronic form- is not a transmitting device is so utterly difficult?  Why do shoes have to be on during takeoff/landing for some airlines but not others?  Why can't you congergate near the washrooms for some flight but not others?  No wonder we're all confused and don't have this flying thing down to military precison.

rant over.
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Re: UK Hand baggage restriction changed
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2008, 01:08:12 AM »
I just received an e-mail from British Airways that makes it sound like the restrictions are pretty similar to what it is now...


 I am pleased to advise you that following an announcement by the UK Department for Transport, we are planning to reintroduce our two-piece cabin bag allowance at London Heathrow, London City, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester and Newcastle airports.

When flying from outside of the UK and transferring through one of these airports, or when flying from one of the above airports, you are now allowed to carry the following as hand baggage:
              •    One bag no bigger than 22 inches x 17.5 inches x 9.85 inches (56 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm), including wheels, pockets and handles
   •    In addition, one briefcase or laptop sized bag

A maximum hand baggage weight of 51lbs (23kg) applies, and you must be able to lift the bag unaided into the overhead lockers in the aircraft cabin.

Please note that there is no change to the current restrictions on the quantity of liquids allowed through airport security.

Other UK airports, including London Gatwick, Jersey and Newquay, are expected to remove restrictions in line with the new UK Department for Transport guidelines in a phased approach. Until this happens, the existing one-bag restriction will apply to all customers departing from or transferring through these airports. It is important to note that in some instances you may be allowed two pieces of hand baggage on the outbound portion of your journey but only one on your return if you are travelling from or through London Gatwick, Jersey or Newquay.

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