This comes from a column The Guardian used to run called 'The Perfect ______' (fill in the blank). Been meaning to try it. I also have a Maryland pan-fried recipe if you're interested.
"Fundamental truth: southern fried chicken is slow food. The fast-food version is an abomination. To make the real thing, a few rules: Buy good chicken. Fry in 1.5cm of oil. Use small pieces. Use a splatter guard.
Soak chicken for at least six hours in milk, buttermilk, or milk and yogurt. Drain, dredge in seasoned flour, rest for an hour so the milk can absorb the starch (repeat for extra crunch). Get oil medium hot in a big heavy frying pan and put in chicken to fill wihtout crowding. The oil should sizzle vigorously but not violently. Brown all over, which will take about 10 minutes if temp is correct. Turn as necessary and remove when done.
When all are browned, turn heat to low and fit chicken snuggly back in the pan, crowding is OK at this point. Cook for another 20-30 mins, turning as necessary.
Hope this is what you needed!