ittpanther, what if we dont have a lot of savings, but dh has a good job lined up? We'd not go unless there was a very firm offer of employment for my husband there. I don't know that my parents would co-sponsor him, if we needed a co-sponsor I'm going to assume it would have to be someone from the US, can an employer help to do that?
I didn't have a good steady income when I lived in the US...but there's a lot of history behind that, I'm guessing though they dont much care about the circumstances of your past...just how much you earned :/
I have a job now, it's not brilliant, but dh has always been the main wage earner and always will be. When we move to the states that won't change, his job will earn him significantly more than mine. I will have an interior design degree when we return, and I am hoping to find a job in that field before we leave, so I would have the potential, will that count?
I can see their pov, but I hope they can see mine, I dont want to be stuck in the UK :/