There's no fireflys or fall stuff?!?!?!?! Oh no! I love raking the leaves and jumping in them, how can the kids there not experience that...and hot cider, pumpkin pies, etc.
Here are my lists in no particular order....
Things I will miss:
1. My family and friends!!!!!!!
2. The convience of everything in America
3. Being able to make jokes that people here would get (i.e. referring to American culture or celebrities, etc.)
4. Knowing how everything works, and being able to live life on automatic response. I know I will have to relearn so many things, from how to spell to how to drive to doing taxes, etc. etc.
5. The craft stores (as previously mentioned by others)
6. Target
7. Non-Lactose Milk
8. Being able to understand others' accents and sayings. Some of the phrases they use throw me for a loop, but I'm getting a lot better at it.
9. Feeling like I know what's what...I don't really know a lot of the current celebrities, clothing trends, etc. in the UK but I'm getting better at that too. I'm going to buy a ton of magazines regularly and "study" up
10. Being able to have a large selection of stores, even when you're not in a big city.
11. Oh I'll miss my church, there's only a teeny tiny one and it's just not the same as going to a full one in a beautiful building.
12. My dog, unless she comes over with me.
13. Christmas lights and decorations. I know they're kind of tacky but they remind me of when my family used to drive around together and ooooh and aaahhhh and them from the car.
Things about the UK I miss when I'm here in the US
1. Jaffa Cakes, Cadbury's, Indian food, etc.
2. Good clothes, I love the fashion you can get there (Although I know a lot of you disagree).
3. Having a bar in the cool is that?!?
4. The surrounds you everywhere. You can easily go to a museum, play, musical, etc. and not go broke doing it.
5. The immensely gorgeous landscape.
6. I'm a history buff, so it's like heaven to
7. The friendliness of the people.
8. Glasgow...I love walking around the shopping area with Steven.
9. Being so close to the ocean.
10. The music, so many great bands for such a small place.
11. Being so close to so many other countries.
12. The parks and gardens.
13. Going for a drink with my sweetie.
14. The more relaxed attitude and taking time to enjoy life, something I seldomly do here.
15. Hearing the bagpipe players while walking around Edinburgh. I know it's a cheesy thing done mostly for the tourists but I just love it! Makes me want to skip around (and maybe it has put a little extra skip in my walk a few
16. FCUK shirts....they crack me up!
Oh there's tons more but I think that should do for now...hehe