My warning about long distance relationships:
No matter how close the two of you feel as you conduct your relationship over the phone, email, letters, pictures etc, and no matter how many shared emotions, shared tastes and values, private confidences, love talk, promises, and talk of the future you are both planning, face to face this person may not be capable of handling a relationship on a nitty gritty daily basis.
I REALLY thought I knew my now-ex. We literally knew each other our whole lives, and were not just recently-met or internet-met or from a dating site. I had emigrated to the States during our twenties; we remained in touch. WE KNEW each other and both of us -- at a "safe distance" I now realize -- thought we loved each other, the whole nine yards, love of our life, blah blah, we thought we were a regular "The Notebook" case. (Without the Alzheimers. YET...)
I have never felt so much sheer TRUST that somebody loved me so steadfastly that nothing would lessen once we finally got to be in the same damn country once more. I mean he was completely believable. There was NO doubt in my mind that everything he said he felt and said he wanted was true, unwavering, and unstoppable.
Then as the stress of the actual arrangments to move me over set in, he started to allow his weird issues to rear their heads. By the time he came over to visit, he was passive aggressively acting out and picking fights. We made up -- AFTER he was safely 6,000 miles away once more. Which I'm realizing now was ALL HE COULD HANDLE.
NOw I'm here and he has completely made sure the relationship is in the TOILET. WE are through. What he was not facing about himself is that he can't "do" true intimacy. He hasn't even managed it with any other girlfriend but CLAIMED that that was because it was me he was carrying a torch for. Well he got me and failed to handle THIS relationship also, just like the others.
I came here for him, we are now broken up amid great pain and heartache, and I'm homeless over here.
The lesson is, no matter how much you think you have come to know someone and trust that this long distance love is going to work out IN PERSON TOO -- you DON'T KNOW if the person has deep seated issues with that. I never thought mine did. But he did. He could only "love" me as long as it was all just pining and LDR and Oh honey but when we are finally together.....BE CAREFUL.