Hi everyone!
Tax help!!!
Though I'm a lucky one, before you think that I'm rich :-), I earned more than the threshold only because of a large amount of back pay due from the previous year (from which the tax and pension were taken out). That, combined with the £1=$2.0018 exchange rate has catapulted me over the $85,700.
I am a dual citizen, have lived in the UK for three years, and am planning on staying in the UK (bought a house, live here permanently, etc.). I meet the residency requirements, etc., and haven't had to pay taxes in the past. I've paid all of my UK taxes, work for a UK company, etc., so pretty straight forward.
But I ran across this article and had a mini panic as it mentioned that an expat living in France was going to owe US taxes:
newcomer link: http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/28/america/ATAXES.php [nonactive]
I guess that the bottom line question is. . .do we pay more tax doing the UK PAYE in the 40% tax bracket than our relatives on the other side of the pond?
All best, Kirsty