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Topic: Twinkies in the UK!!  (Read 3656 times)

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Twinkies in the UK!!
« on: April 28, 2004, 11:32:55 PM »
I just saw that  are selling Twinkies!!
Boy - have I been waiting for that!!
http://www.cybercandy.co.uk/aaasmt/index.php/url_indprod?xlc=1671 [nofollow]

Oh and also came across this site http://www.Americangoodies.com [nofollow] they can order anything for you from the States and ship it to you!

Me happy ---!

Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2004, 06:20:16 AM »
You absolute beauty!!
I have looked at the Cybercandy site before, and there was never any mention of Twinkies, but thanks to your heads-up, I've just ordered 3 boxes!

Thanks so much!

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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2004, 09:30:54 AM »
That American Goodies site is good for those still in the US as well - in that it specialises in "regional" tastes.  Meaning that if you have moved from NY to AZ, you can get some of your NY favourites which may not be available in AZ.

It's not just ex-pats who like comfort food every once in a while!  ;)
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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2004, 01:08:37 PM »
Okay.. maybe im a complete idiot.
But the photo on that page shows a BOX of Twinkies... and nowhere says that the price is £1.49 per cake.  I'd foolishly assumed i was buying 3 BOXES for £1.49 each.... admittedly i thought something was wrong with that price, but i thought it was because they were nearing their sell-by date and had to be cleared, as they mention in the description.

Imagine my shock today, when a box arrives, containing THREE Twinkies, individually, not 3 BOXES of Twinkies!

I'm gutted.

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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2004, 01:12:32 PM »
Broxi - you want Twinkies?  You tell me - I'll get you Twinkies!

My mom goes to the outlet store by her work and can get 3 boxes for $5.00.  So you let me know - and you'll have Twinkies!   ;D
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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2004, 04:33:26 PM »
Oh, good grief, Broxi.  Thanks for the heads up.  My hubby is going to their Covent Garden store to get me some today.  I've noticed that their site now says 'per cake'.  £1.46 per cake ... geesh!
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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2004, 04:40:36 PM »
  I've noticed that their site now says 'per cake'.  £1.46 per cake ... geesh!
That's probably because i wrote them a scathing e-mail when i opened my parcel and saw 3 twinkies lying there!!

Thanks Peedal, but I'll pass.  My hips definitely dont need them!

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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2004, 10:10:35 PM »
Hmph...don't think I'll be doing business again for a while with Cyber Candy after getting this sort of a reply from them today.  I emailed them explaining I was disappointed that they mislead me to believe I was purchasing a whole box of Twinkies that I had shipped to my fiance.  Thought it was a bit cheeky especially since the mistake was theirs.  :-\\\\


Thank you for your comments.

I am astonished that you would think that you could purchase a box of
fresh Twinkies imported to the UK by Air for $2 when this is less than
the price one would pay in the US.

I should add that the Twinkies "promotion" is in fact completely
non-profit making it is only just about covering the cost of purchasing and
importing the items in the first place.   

We most certainly did not intend to mislead and indeed yours is one
email of only 2 out of several hundred purchases that misunderstood what
was being purchased.  The price charged for this item is well within the
normal price structure of our website, as any regular customer would

Warm regards,


Guess I'm only one of two people too dumb to understand that when it says boxes of Twinkies they actually mean one Twinkie.  Also guess I shouldn't have complained since I'm not a "regular" customer....oh well, my mistake.

(Edited to remove his name).
« Last Edit: May 01, 2004, 07:55:39 AM by Krissybelle_99 »

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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2004, 11:10:44 PM »
I can't believe he sent that email to you.  How rude!
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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2004, 12:43:55 AM »
The e-mail that CyberCandy sent you was very out of line, especially if they didn't even list the product correctly in the first place!!  :-\\\\  I think that £1.46 "per cake" is pretty expensive if you ask me....and they say they didn't make any money on it?  I'm not sure I believe that.  When you look around at prices of different companies who do this sort of specialty import stuff (although you can't always find Hostess stuff because of the expiration dates), that just seems a bit high to me.  That e-mail makes me not want to buy anything from them, if that's the way someone is treated it doesn't look good for them.  How are you meant to become a regular customer if you get such nasty e-mails from them?  Talk about business suicide!  They keep that up and they may as well shut their doors now!  >:(

I've just noticed a couple of companies online that used to offer a pretty good selection of US products has suddenly stopped offering US stuff (but still carrying on exporting British stuff to the US) because of recent guidelines imposed upon them (whatever that means!), and one company just ceased trading altogether.  Makes me a bit worried about this kind of service dying off.  Skyco have assured me that they are still around and have been for 10 years, so at least there is one out there that seems to be doing well with this kind of thing.  It's bad enough that some things we like to get can't be imported into the UK because of EU Import laws, it would be terrible if we couldn't buy some of the things we miss because these kinds of services could disappear altogether.


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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2004, 02:43:38 AM »
I have to tell you my Twinkie story.  The agency I worked for ages ago was moving to new offices.  Behind a file cabinet we found a package of Twinkies.  After our resident Twinkie fiend ate them, we looked at the sell-by date.  Five years ago!  Twinkie fiend swears they tasted as fresh as could be, and they sure did look fresh.  I haven't gone near a Twinkie since that day. :-X
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Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2004, 06:27:58 AM »
Krissy, I got an email from that CyberCandy guy too, but mine wasnt quite so nippy as yours.  I've already deleted it, so cant go back to look at it again, but he was going on and on about the Twinkies being perfectly fresh.  That wasnt even the point of my email to him!  My point was that because there was a photo of a BOX of Twinkies, that's what i thought i was buying... not an individual cake!  I even paid the extra postage (£5-something) to have them delivered in 2 days!

Anyway, we ate those 3 miserable Twinkies last night, and guess what... I didnt even enjoy them.  They didnt taste the way i remembered them tasting at all.  So maybe this little fiasco was for the best... although it was a bit on the expensive side!

Re: Twinkies in the UK!!
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2004, 01:48:15 PM »
  Yes very rude!  >:( I would never do business with these people.Krissy maybe you could complain to someone in that company about the rude e-mail,even if you never do business with them again.Bad word of mouth is never good for a business,and maybe they might think twice about it.

  It sounds like they are a very deceitful company from what you all have said about them  :-\\\\

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