Hmph...don't think I'll be doing business again for a while with Cyber Candy after getting this sort of a reply from them today. I emailed them explaining I was disappointed that they mislead me to believe I was purchasing a whole box of Twinkies that I had shipped to my fiance. Thought it was a bit cheeky especially since the mistake was theirs.
Thank you for your comments.
I am astonished that you would think that you could purchase a box of
fresh Twinkies imported to the UK by Air for $2 when this is less than
the price one would pay in the US.
I should add that the Twinkies "promotion" is in fact completely
non-profit making it is only just about covering the cost of purchasing and
importing the items in the first place.
We most certainly did not intend to mislead and indeed yours is one
email of only 2 out of several hundred purchases that misunderstood what
was being purchased. The price charged for this item is well within the
normal price structure of our website, as any regular customer would
Warm regards,
Guess I'm only one of two people too dumb to understand that when it says boxes of Twinkies they actually mean one Twinkie. Also guess I shouldn't have complained since I'm not a "regular" customer....oh well, my mistake.
(Edited to remove his name).