Edinburgh & Dublin are the last two places we need to plan ahead for in our trip next week! We've got the place to stay in London and found a hostel in Paris for the three nights we'll be there.
The only other places we want to see (this trip at least) are Edinburgh and Dublin. Dublin might be out of our budget, but I would hate myself if I didn't see Edinburgh. We just want to go for one night, because this was originally just to see and experience London, but we'll still be there 25 days and nights so that should be good enough...
Anyways, does anyone have any personal experience with trains from London to Edinburgh? The cheapest one I found was on
www.raileurope.com and that is $280 each for the round trip... So 140GBP each for round trip. I must say I was surprised at how expensive trains are. Anyone know any cheapers? Any good hostels for Dublin or Edinburgh?
Any direct sites for transport to Dublin? First page or so of google didn't help much with Dublin, I tried "buy transportation from London to Dublin." Three were guides of how to do it (ferry or plane, obvioulsy.) But no services that offered both the train and ferry with prices. Is there a company that specializes in this or are we going to have to do two separate companies, one for the train and one for the ferry?
Thanks again as always. You guys have made htis trip a lot less stressful in the planning part and a lot more secure/comfortable! It's going to be amazing.
So any direct links or personal experience would be great!