Like you guys, it was part of my Sunday morning routine and I found it very relaxing. Hubby would look at the rest of the paper...I would look at the coupons! You do get the rare one-off coupon, but when you actually try to use it, people look at you like you've handed them some strange alien artifact. I got a coupon for a free jar of Doritos Salsa in a bag of Doritos once. Tried to use the coupon and ended up with a good 20 minutes of cashiers huddling trying to figure out what to do! 
Hmmm, hope that wasn't a Co-op (where I work part/time) least I have a coupon button- used almost exclusively for the Times, etc. newspapers.
I, too, used to use coupons and sales circulars as a form of relaxation. Chances are, half of the coupons might not ever get used (have to rationalize on some of them...have to rein in the impulse buying), but didn't stop me from enjoying sitting up in my bed on a sunday morning...drinking my coffee..and daydreaming and clipping away...I still do it when the B&Q flyers and DIY flyers come around here. I dream of how I want to change things
