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Topic: London at 6am?  (Read 1269 times)

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London at 6am?
« on: September 12, 2008, 12:44:57 PM »
So my fiance is taking me into London tomorrow for my birthday and he accidentally booked coach tickets to leave our town at 3am!  We'll be getting into London around 6am.  Anyone have any ideas what we could do that early?

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2008, 01:15:24 PM »
You could take some breakfast with you and go sit in St James Park, walk and see Buckingham Palace...or wait till just a little later and find a cafe for breakfast.

You can go and look at the London Eye, London bridge etc...visit the tourist spots.

What part of London are you going to?
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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2008, 01:46:53 PM »
It's dropping us off at Victoria Station, so Westminster, I think.

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 01:55:52 PM »
well there are lots of piccy oppertunities near westminster if your going for a Touristy day.  Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Houses of parliment.  Its worth getting yourself a little map of london that highlights places of interest because although London is a biggish place, you can walk easily from site to site.  Museums are also free.
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. - William Arthur Ward.

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 01:59:03 PM »
Can't you change the tickets?

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 03:42:28 PM »
Well, at least you won't hit much traffic!   :)  We're not in the UK now so I'm not sure what the weather is like, but if it's 'behaving', the early arrival could actually be great.  I love London in the early hours before the streets are crowded, etc..

Victoria Station is a great location at which to arrive.  If you felt like walking, you could easily make your way over to Westminster Abbey and Parliment, Big Ben, the Eye, etc..  If it's not windy, just walking along the Thames is such a nice thing to do, walk across the bridges, take pictures.  You could even as easily walk to Buckingham Palace which is right in front of the absolutely beautiful St. James' Park (love it!) and follow that to the Horseguards Parade and then either left to Trafalgar Square or right to Parliment...or straight across to, again, the Thames.  Really, if the weather is decent, there are stunning views all around you there.  One of the best maps of London is available at the Tube stations...just ask the person behind the ticket window for a BUS MAP for London; we found it to be by far one of the best maps available (free).

You can also check out the big bus tours of London; you can hop on and off all day.  Can't remember how much they are.  If you decided to do this, the company with the maroon and tan buses are the ones that have a live audio tour and are very good.  Not sure that you want to do this tour closer to rush hour though; not fun.

There is also the public bus that leaves from Victoria...I THINK it's Bus 9 and I think it leaves right from Victoria but maybe just outside...and hits a lot of the sites on it's route.  It stops at all the bus stops though so keep that in mind if you're not patient and just want to get to where you're going.  13 takes you up near Abbey Road if you're into that.  24 will take you up through Trafalgar Sq, funky Camden, and to the Heath (Hampstead) if you're wanting a little variety.  If you're going to do this and/or ride the tube, you should purchase some sort (not sure how long you'll be in town for) of Oyster card to benefit from the high discounted rate.

You can also take a boat down/up the Thames; from Westminster, you can head east on the Thames and go under all of the bridges and what not.  See the sites from there. 

The London Eye is really nice; not sure what time it opens, but if you're there early enough, you won't be standing in any queues I'd imagine.  Covent Garden is really fun -- and if the markets open, you might find some things you'd like to take home with you.   

On yet another side of Victoria, Hyde Park is fantastic too, and Royal Albert Hall is beautiful --- not sure if you can get inside, but gorgeous outside too.   

There are tons of cafes/coffee shops around.  And as LC mentioned, the museums are free, so if they're open early, it's an option. 

Overall, if you love photographing, London is an AMAZING place for pictures with all of the beautiful architecture and just all around interesting views.  Enjoy!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 03:45:27 PM by DaisyGal »

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2008, 05:36:22 PM »
Ooh! Go to Borough Market! It'll be fantastic without the crowds, and it's already in full swing when I run past there on Fridays around 7am so I'm guessing Saturday will be similar.

It's also the Thames festival this weekend so you should wander up the South Bank afterwards and see if any of the stalls are early risers...
Summer 97 - first visited friends in London
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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2008, 06:36:15 PM »
Can't you change the tickets?

We can but the 8am coach is full and the next one is at 11 which won't get us there until 2.  I don't mind going so early.  I just had no clue what would be open that early. 

Ooh! Go to Borough Market! It'll be fantastic without the crowds, and it's already in full swing when I run past there on Fridays around 7am so I'm guessing Saturday will be similar.

It's also the Thames festival this weekend so you should wander up the South Bank afterwards and see if any of the stalls are early risers...

I plan to go to Borough market after having read the thread about American beer.  Supposedly they have a stall that sells it?  I'm glad to hear it opens so early though.  I had assumed it'd open up later than that.

And I just learned today that the Thames Festival is this weekend which I'm super stoked about.  I've already got a list of things to do, but nothing really seems to begin until noonish.

The weather is supposed to be cooperative, which I'm so thankful for.  I've been to London quite a few times though not in the past 3 years, but I've done most of the touristy stuff.  I still have yet to boat along the Thames though and I do love the free museums. 

Thanks for the ideas everyone!

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2008, 10:55:57 PM »
I still have yet to boat along the Thames though
If you're a Barclaycard customer you can get a boat trip for free on Sunday. I got sent an email about it, lemme find it...

The Mayor's Thames Festival

Join Barclaycard for a FREE river trip at the Thames Festival on Sunday September 14th.

Dear Miss (squirrellypoo)

Enjoy a free 30 minute Thames Cruise exclusively for Barclaycard holders. Starting
at noon, our Thames cruise vessel, the William B, leaves Festival Pier (5 minutes
from The London Eye) every 45 minutes for a guided 30 minute cruise down the Thames.
It's a great way to escape the festival crowds, enjoy fabulous views of the river
and learn more about London's most famous landmarks Ð and it's absolutely free to
Barclaycard holders and their families.

For your free boat trip just come to Festival Pier and bring your Barclaycard with you.

We hope all our cardholders can enjoy the free cruise. However, spaces are limited,
so we recommend that you arrive in plenty of time to ensure your place.
Summer 97 - first visited friends in London
99-00 - studied at Uni of Sussex on exchange
Feb 02 - moved to London on BUNAC
Sep 02 - WP granted (IT skills shortage list)
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Sep 06 - WP renewed again (screwed by 4-5 year ILR change)
Sep 07 - ILR!
March 09 - Citizenship!
July 09 - bone marrow transplant :(
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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2008, 05:43:59 PM »
We can but the 8am coach is full and the next one is at 11 which won't get us there until 2.  I don't mind going so early.  I just had no clue what would be open that early. 

Ah, got it.  I figured you would have checked into it.  :)  Let us know how it went!!

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2008, 03:45:43 PM »
We ended up walking from Victoria Coach station to Waterloo to head to Camden.  Long, I know, but we were looking for a Starbucks that was open.  Didn't find one until we got to Camden though.  Hung about the markets up there for a while.  I've never been to Camden before, but I absolutely loved it.  Then we went back by the river and walked through the festival being set up and the booths.  Went to the Tate Modern for the first time and to Borough market to check out the Utobeer stall.  It's too bad we went so late in the day because it was absolutely nuts and we were so frustrated by the time we got there that we didn't want to get anything.  So we headed over to meet the fiance's friends in Kingston and spent the rest of the day having pints by the river at The Gazebo.  We barely made the coach back though and did a bit of running on very sore feet.  I really don't feel like we walked that much but neither of us can walk today because we each have a very sore and swollen right foot.  So worth it though.  I really love London and wish I lived closer or at least visited more.  I always have a blast there, especially when the weather is really nice like it was yesterday.

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Re: London at 6am?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2008, 04:18:00 PM »
Aw sounds lovely!! Glad it worked out! :)
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