Delta was bad in regards to comfort 
Delta is some & some. They have been in the process of replacing the older aircraft with newer sometimes you get a new plane with personal screens & cool stuff at each seat

- and sometimes you don't

. Bit of a crap shoot. Delta is in the process now of merging with Northwest Airlines - not sure how (if at all) it will affect the planes they are using for various flight routes. (Could mean good stuff because they're getting a lot more aircraft than what they've had before!)
For airfares, I usually check out several websites for price comparisons like
oanda (doh!) opodo, kayak, cheaptickets, etc...then I end up booking directly with the airline usually anyway. Our trips to the US involve so many legs (different stops), the consolidator sites can't handle our complex itineraries and booking with the airline is generally much simpler & just as cheap if not cheaper.