Yay! I have just started preserving too!
I have only been doing very small batches so far, I am looking forward to doing a bit of preserving when I move to the UK, so all the info I have read here is very, very helpful!
Have made pickled refrigerator red tomatoes & pickled red onions, yummy! A bit too much vinegar, so will have to adjust that next time, but still, soooo good! Going to try cucumber pickles soon too
I have only been making very small batches, so its kind of hit and miss for me trying to adjust some of these big recipes down to small ones. I have been lucky with the jams though!
I have attempted sauerkraut, twice, with not very good results
I have been using whey for fermenting, the first batch was soggy and not good at all
the last batch was crispy, but waaaaaay too salty, so will try again, with less salt and cross my fingers for a good batch, third time is the charm, hopefully!
Gotta say, I am looking at fruit and vegetables in a whole different way now.......