I'm in a bit of a panic. I have three copies of my marriage certificate-- one is a copy I got from the county clerk where we got married, which is stamped, certifying that it's a "true and correct copy of the record in this court." It is signed by someone from the clerk district court with the title "Deputy." This is what we have as our original, since they don't give you their original copy of the record-- that is turned in when it's signed and completed after the marriage. I also ordered another from the office so we would have two. The other is a copy of the marriage certificate without the stamp/signature saying it's a true and correct copy. On this one, the clerk office stamped it with a big, bold "DUPLICATE" on the bottom.
Okay, so I have two applications needing the marriage certificate: my son's UK passport application and my spousal visa application. What should I send where? Both are certified copies from the exact same office, but they look different. Should I send the stamped and signed one with my visa application and the other with my son's passport application? Would I be able to get a notarized copy of the stamped and signed one? Since it's not a notarized copy itself, I would think it would be okay to get a copy made and notarized, right? I'm sorry this is so convoluted!
Technically, the passport application only says "full" marriage certificate, not original, although I'm sure it's implied they want originals. What should I do? I'm leaning toward getting the stamped and signed version copied and notarized, and sending that with the passport application and the other with the visa application. Help!