As everyone can see, I've been here for just over 8 months and am leaving to visit the US tomorrow morning. I feel excited, happy, etc, but I also feel anxious and kind of upset about leaving the UK. I've worked hard to make this a home, and now I'm settled I'm slightly afraid to go back to the states. I'm worried that I won't like it as much, or on the other hand start disliking here and really missing the US. Lots of conflicting feelings to be honest. I flip flop between the excitement and the worry. And sometimes my family doesn't make it easy to visit them, as much as I love them, they drive me up the wall at times.
I'm not sure I painted the best picture about my feelings above, but was wondering if you felt this way too, and what you did and what it was like coming back to the UK after your first visit. Were you culture shocked? Did it make you home sick?
I don't miss the US that much at this point, and am wondering if I should've waited a longer time before visiting again so I don't set back the hard work I've done to make this a home. I dunno.
Thank you in advance for your kind words and stories.